Tuxford Windmill

Over the years we have entertained dozens of groups with local WI's, Probus, Scouts, U3A, Rotarians, and academic teams experiencing a visit to the Mill or had our Miller out to talk in village halls or local pubs.

We have a few standard offerings (see below), but are happy to look at something bespoke. Please email us for more information:

Cream Tea And Tour

This has been our most popular visit over the years. We offer a talk by the Miller, serve freshly baked scones with our own flour, served with jam, cream, butter, and plenty of tea/coffee, and finish off with a guided tour of the Windmill in the company of our Miller. We offer this package to groups with a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 30 guests.

Talks by the Miller

Our Miller is an experienced speaker and has been providing interesting, entertaining talks on a variety of mill-related topics.


From traditional milling to starting a heritage business, business development to marketing strategies we have a unique background to draw on to help you.